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Our fall tryout process is open to any student at Harvard and designed to showcase the skills that will be most valuable in trial.

Come learn about the comp at our Info Sessions
RSVP here

Come meet us, learn about who we are, and see what we do! Before tryouts each year, we host two information sessions where prospective members can learn about collegiate mock trial, the Harvard Undergraduate Mock Trial Association, and watch a live demonstration. Both sessions cover the same material, so you only need to attend one. We strongly encourage you to attend an Information Session prior to trying out for the team.​





Tryout Process

Step 1: Fill out our Preliminary Tryout Form HERE

You must fill out a Preliminary Tryout Form before booking a tryout slot. It puts you on our radar and helps us keep track of you as you move throughout the tryout process. It's quick—just basic biographical data.

Step 3: Download our Tryout Packet HERE

The Tryout Packet contains all relevant information for the Round I Tryout, extra resources to help you prepare, and the written content you'll rely on for the witness portion of your tryout.

Step 4: Attend Round I Office Hours HERE (optional!)

This is totally optional! We will have 3 Office Hours! September 5th and 9th will be via Zoom (linked on Calendly) and Sept 7 will be in person after our Meet Mock Info Session. Come by if you want to run some content, ask more questions, or just meet us!

Step 5: Prepare for Your Round I Tryout HERE

Everything you need to prepare can be found in the Round I Tryout Packet. Be sure to read it attentively. As you'll see, there are three components to Round I: Witness, Speech, and Extemporaneous. In the Witness portion, you will assume the role of one of the two witnesses we make available and will learn that witness’s affidavit (a written statement of facts, sworn to under oath) in order to prepare to testify as that witness on Direct Examination. If this sounds like gibberish to you at the moment, don't fret — all of this is explained in depth in the Round I Tryout Packet. In the Speech portion, you will deliver a 2-3 minute prepared speech about a subject of your choosing. There is only one limitation: the speech cannot be related to mock trial or the law. And finally, in the Extemporaneous portion, you will be asked to speak on the spot for sixty seconds, answering a question of our choosing.

Step 6: Book Your Round 1 Tryout HERE & Attend 

To book a Round I tryout use the above Calendly link. If the link does not work or you cannot attend your tryout due to extenuating circumstances, please inform Miruna Cioc immediately. Each tryout should last about 15 minutes. Please arrive at your Round I Tryout no later than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. We apologize in advance if we are running 5-10 minutes late. If we are running late, please wait outside the tryout room. You will be notified of the tryout location by email, and it will also be posted on this website.

From Round I Tryouts on, we will be in touch individually.

If you have any questions about the tryout process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Miruna Cioc at

Additional Round I Resources

Once you've signed up for a Round I Tryout Slot, we encourage you to make use of the Office Hours we'll be offering the week of September 6th through 9th. You can sign up using the Calendly link belowOffice Hours can be used to discuss your witness persona, get feedback on your argumentative speech, or just better understand mock trial. We highly encourage attending Office Hours, particularly for those without mock trial experience. Also, check out our resource kit that contains links to helpful videos of excellent witness portrayals.

Office Hours Sign Up
Round I Resource Kit
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